The resource lists below have been compiled in hopes of connecting the Red Rocks Church family with additional, specific support in times of need. Each category contains a list of mostly local, Denver-based resources designed to assist individuals and families with care related issues.
Red Rocks Church provides external links for informational purposes only and does not endorse or control the content of these sites. The opinions expressed by these external sites or resources do not necessarily reflect the views of Red Rocks Church. We are not liable or responsible for any loss or damage arising from reliance on the information or services provided, including those from resources or counselor recommendations.

Addiction & Mental Health
Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Mental Health Services

Child Care
Child support, Parenting help

Clothing Bank, Donations

Christian Counselors, Counseling Organizations, Counseling Specialties

Domestic Violence
Emergency Help, Recovery Assistance and Counseling, Safety Planning, Shelters and Safe Houses

Apprenticeships, GED and Job Training, English Lessons, Trade Schools

Employment Resources
Employment Offices, Job Training, Job Placement

Churches, Community Services and Centers, Food Banks

Funeral Home & Memorial Service Location Recommendations

Eviction Assistance, Furniture and Appliances, Rent and Utility Assistance, Shelters, Temporary Options, Transitional

Legal Assistance
Identification Assistance, Legal Advice

Medical Care
Dental, General Needs, Optical, Prescriptions, Supplies

Parental Resources & Services
Abortion Recovery, Adoption Assistance, Pregnancy Testing, Baby Food and Care Items, Counseling

Suicide Prevention
Assessments, Education and Awareness Programs, Hotlines, Prevention

Bus Tokens, Gas Vouchers

Veterans & First Responders
Employment Help, Housing, Various Services