Catch up on any messages you may have missed, re-watch sermons that hit home, and find ways to connect with your Creator. We encourage you to spend some time alone or with your friends and family exploring our messages and discovering where God has moved in your life this last year.
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Top Messages of 2024-rewatch or discover for the first time!
songs on replay
live worship from red rocks church:
Good Plans | Never Get’s Old ft. Kory Miller | There’s No Way ft. Chris Brown | Echo Holy|

this year in messages
This year began with dreaming and praying about The Story You’ll Tell as we committed to be Devoted to the things God had for all areas of our life. We explored Relationship Biblical Studies to heal our relationships and fix our focus on Jesus who said “I Am” the light of the world. Once we learned the seven I Am statements we discovered His Unseen and Eternal characteristics that drive our faith and devotion. We got to the root of our own Bad Theology so we could better understand that this thing we are a part of is Uncommon and when we devote ourselves to it, we can go change the world!
We love hearing from you!

Make 2025 your year to get involved, grow, and celebrate! We have a lot of ways to get started…

21 days of prayer and fasting- January 6-26! Be sure to tune in 12/28 and 12/29 to hear more about the series!

A special, fun-filled weekend on January 25-26 where we celebrate 20 years of Red Rocks Church!
Reflection Questions
Read John 8:12, 1 Peter 2:9
- What are some specific ways you have let God’s light and love shine through you this year to bring healing, hope, and joy to others?
- How does the concept of being “God’s special possession” influence how you view yourself and your worth through your own eyes? How about through His eyes?
- How do you define living with purpose in your own life? What practices or habits help you stay focused on your purpose, even in challenging seasons?
Reflection Questions
Read Psalm 55:22, Romans 5:3-5
- How have past disappointments and struggles developed your perseverance, character, faith, and hope? What has that journey looked like?
- What does “Casting your cares on the Lord” typically look like for you? Are there certain feelings, emotions, or topics you find more challenging to surrender/express? Explain.
- The saying, “Show me how you spend your time, and I’ll show you what your priorities are,” can be revealing.
- Does the way you spend your time and energy align with what you believe your priorities are? Are you dedicating the least amount of time and energy to what you claim is your most important priority?
Reflection Questions
Read John 15:1-17
- Reflect on a time when you saw or experienced the fruit of abiding in Jesus, either in your life or in others. What circumstances or practices contributed to that experience/journey?
- In verse 2, Jesus talks about pruning branches that bear fruit. What has this pruning process looked like in your life this year?
- How did you respond to moments & seasons of pruning?How would you like to deepen your connection with Jesus and “remain in His love” (John 15:9) as you move into next year? Reflect on specific ways you can grow in your relationship with Him.
Reflection Questions
Read James 5:15-16
- Often, shame is poisoning the soil where we desire fruit to grow. Shame can almost always be traced back to believing a lie about yourself and then making an agreement with that lie. Take a moment to ask God what lies you are believing about yourself. What memories stand out to you when you think about this?
- Is there a relationship in your life that feels fractured? How often do you find that rift clouding your ability to be present?
- Who are the people in your life that act as a mirror to you? What are the honest areas of growth you’ve noticed God pressing you into?
Reflection Questions
Read 1 Timothy 6:11-12, Romans 8:1-2
- What does “fight the good fight of the faith” and “take hold of eternal life” (1 Tim 6:11-12) mean to you?
- Are you living “free” or simply surviving until “forever?” What’s standing in your way?
- What would it look like for you to live a life set free from everything that’s holding you back? What do you need healing from? What do you need to let go of? What do you need to start believing about God and yourself? What do you need to pick up?
Reflection Questions
Read Romans 8:7 MSG, Romans 8:18-21
- What aspect(s) of your life have you surrendered to Jesus and taken up your cross? What areas are you still trying to hold onto?
- There is a daily battle between what you want most vs what you want now. Which wolf are you feeding? Which one has been winning?
- What are three small ways you can “seek discomfort” this upcoming year in an effort to learn and grow?
Reflection Questions
Read James 2:17, John 6:1-13
- Have you ever experienced the feeling of being left out or unseen in your life? How has this experience affected your relationship with and perception of God?
- Can you think of a time when a small act of obedience led to a significant impact? How has this led to you exercising your faith more?
- What do you think Jesus is saying to you at this point in your life, in the context of the challenges and opportunities you are facing? Where do you think Jesus is asking you to step out in faith?
Reflection Questions
Read Romans 5:1-5, Colossians 3:1-4
- Think about your situation and the lens through which you’re viewing it. Do you see “the hope and glory of Jesus” being made perfect and complete in your situation, or do you see something else? Explain.
- What does your prayer life reveal about the perspective you hold over your situation? Are you praying for provision or the Provider, Change of your situation or transformation of your heart, or something else? Explain.
- What do you think God sees when he looks at you this past year? What does your answer reveal about what you believe about God and what you believe about yourself?